20 First Chapters Volume Six19,000 words written so far (about 61% complete)
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Posted on January 1, 2014

I just realized that the last time I wrote a new chapter was back in October. The last few months of 2013 were spent with editing, revising, and publishing four books. With almost three months of no new writing, I was fearful I would be rusty.

This morning I sat down to work on Irving 2. It was a bit daunting as the series has a great deal of complexity to it. I was a little afraid I would really flub up the opening. Well, an hour in and I have over six hundred words that prove me wrong. It was not without its difficulties. I was truly fearful that I would get frustrated and actually step away from the keyboard. That didn't happen. I coaxed out some nice points and started to feel the little ticklish ponderings in the back of my head.

As I get deeper into the book much of the plot progression will start to be worked on at an almost subconscious level. It's not there just yet. I have to force the ideas and scenes out into the open right now. Maybe in a few days, the flow will be there.

Right now, I'm happy that I got something on paper.

I plan on tossing up a few posts this month about my experiences with writing the second book in a series. Stay tuned!


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