20 First Chapters Volume Six19,000 words written so far (about 61% complete)
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Posted on March 25, 2018

Tomorrow, I begin work on The Tomb of Tomes, Book 3 of the Irving Wishbutton saga. The series is the one I get the most requests to return to and so I'm doing just that. I've reread the first two, making some slight tweaks to both as my writing has improved vastly since they were first written. Before crafting an outline for the third book, I created the lists below to aid me in navigating the large cast and the many settings established so far. I think the ambitious nature of this series is what kept me from starting the third book, but that's behind me now. I've got a clear vision of where I'm going. Take a look at the lists and share your top three characters you think pique your interest.

I'll be posting about my progress on this third book quite regularly over the next three weeks. My goal is to write 60,000 words in 16 days of track out.

Irving Wishbutton (Holland)
Lord Raggleswamp
Dean Harmstrike
Roon and Marcus Umberdare
Tyler Holland
Mr. Holland
Allegro the Undaunted of the Nowrii
Allegro's son
Tiberius Booster
Fenwick Noodlemen
Fenwick's mom (trapped in a bird's body)
Simon the Ash
Writer Locked Under Library
Sarya Lorn of the Harvest Valley
Ned Firebreak
Aunt Nance
Princess Stacia of the Howling Lands
Professor Warhinder: Soul Searching Studies, Fridays at 1:00
Doctor Ringle: Villainy 101, Thursdays at 9
Professor Snitpick: Narrative Sciences, Fridays at 11
Sam Infinite (debut in Book 3): Heroic Deeds and Misdeeds, Mondays at 3:00
Coach Malcontent (debut in Book 3 or 4): Tournament Basics, Tuesdays at 12:00
King Druukus
Sir Gared
Valiant Forge
Knarl and Lady Edith
Coach Albright
Druthers the Dragon

Smudge Hall
Hero Row
Villainy Way
Office of Fine Aunts
The Menagerie
Partner Place
Biblio Bog
Revision Ravine
Tomb of Tomes
Domain of Sagas

Comment by ROGER ESCHBACHER on SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2018...
Ambitious! Best of luck with your writing. I hope you get a lot done in the next three weeks!
Comment by BRIAN CLOPPER on SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2018...
Thanks, Roger. I just wrote the outline. I didn't do it by chapter but by acts. It really helped me. I am excited by the cool plot points the third book will have. Keith is prepping point versions of the first two books, and I'm using a quote from you on the first book. Hope that receives your blessing.
Comment by ROGER ESCHBACHER on MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2018...
You bet. Happy to contribute any way that I can. Impressive word count on your first day!

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