20 First Chapters Volume Six19,000 words written so far (about 61% complete)
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Posted on November 2, 2024

I’ve been writing a great deal this year but holding off on publishing. Well, that’s about to change.

I worked hard this week to do the final read-through of 20 First Chapters Volume Three and will be publishing it this weekend instead of January.

And this won’t slow me down. Bureau of Meet Cute will be released in December and 20 First Chapters Volume Four should be out in February.

I’m so excited by my many new releases in the last 12 months.

If all goes as planned, I will also have done something no one has been crazy enough to do before and that is write 80 first chapters in just one year. It truly is a creative series deserving of a wider audience. I can’t express how proud I am of the project.

I think once I have 101 of them, it’s going to be the series that puts me on the map.

Look for the official links to buy my newest release later this weekend.

Big thanks to all who’ve supported me with buying my books and leaving reviews. I truly appreciate it.

Check out what an Amazon UK reviewer thought of the book:

"20 First Chapters Volume 3 is another successful addition to this unique series. I really like this author’s original concept. He doesn’t provide a complete story, just the first chapter of many potential whole books. Although that might sound like an odd idea, budding writers will consider this collection highly inspiring and eye-opening. As a reader, I find this series addictive. Having read other books by Brian Clopper, I’ve grown to appreciate his unparalleled word craft and world building skills, which he abundantly demonstrates here.

The third volume offers a good mixture of science fiction, fantasy, magic, spook, and superheroes. Amongst the very interesting proposals in this book, my favourite chapters are these: By a Ghost Inhabited, Get Golem, Drastic Plastic, Seth in Stone, Suffer Not a Mitch to Live, and Beach Blanket Bloodsuckers. As you can see, the titles themselves are pure wit and ingenuity.

The unlikely hero is a recurrent theme in many of these chapters, but we also get to meet quirky characters that add a very welcome touch of fun. What’s more, the insightful Author’s comments between chapters are a great way to shift to the next story.

This series is an ideal choice for my night reading, as the chapters are just the right length and there are no cliffhangers keeping me up until all hours of the night. If you’re up for an entertaining and instructive read, this book will work like a treat."

Both e-book and print versions are now available on Amazon!


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