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September 2023 Newsletter

Posted on August 26, 2023

Welcome to the September newsletter.

Returning to We Kill Humans Series in 2024!

I wrote book one of this series a while back and didn’t return to it. After dipping back into the project, I’m jazzed to announce that finishing the trilogy will be a top priority in 2024. The plan is to write books two and three in the spring and republish the entire series in the summer, releasing a book a month to create momentum. I’m working back through the first book and making some editing changes to have it match my current author voice. Here’s a look at the basic layout of the new covers. Maggie still graces the first book. The second book will have a close-up of a Maker, while book three will zoom in on Heath.

Last of the Litter Continues to Attract the Right Readers
I really think this book has the potential to be an incredible streaming series. There’s so much to explore in the world. Do yourself a favor and snatch up this bold tale of a boy and his special charm hound. It also lets you know my stance on A.I. in the narrative.

Book Funnel Promo
I’ve got three big Book Funnel promos running this month. Please explore and see what great free reads are out there. There’s a ton of good stuff just a click away.

Book Funnel Link 1

Book Funnel Link 2

Book Funnel Link 3

Nell and Void: An Examination of Grief
I poured my heart into this novella that depicts the climb out of depression for a writer. I went through a bout of depression during Covid and pulled out of it through the help of family and restoring the optimistic spark that had gotten beaten down by the pressures of life. Teaching during the pandemic was super difficult. While I still slip into a funk here and there, I know how to pull myself free of the void. I hope you’ll give this project a try as it truly comes from a sincere place.

Off to College
My son completed his two years at Wake Tech and we moved him out to UNC Wilmington in August. It’s been very difficult. I didn’t realize how hard it was going to be. I know he’s on a good path and will do great things, but not having him under our roof leaves me running a little empty. Thankfully, my daughter still lives with us and is entering her second year teaching fifth grade at a school nearby. I’ll lean on her a little to help me through missing Ethan.

Stories I Tell My Students Part 2
Just a quick story this time. We went to Busch Gardens in Florida when I was maybe around eight or nine. We were allowed to get Shirley Temples whenever we were on vacation, so we did just that. And this time, the drink came with an orange swizzle stick in the shape of a giraffe. I don’t know how I managed to do it, but I scratched my eye with the pointy artiodactyla, and we had to see a doctor. I had to wear an eyepatch for the rest of the vacation and was only allowed to walk around in the pools and not dive underwater. That was torture for me as I was going through a big Man From Atlantis phase and always liked staying submerged over being just a simple air breather.

Next newsletter, I’ll talk how my new class has embraced ASMR when practicing cursive and creating line graphs.

Hey! I just finished reading Arcana Creek and I am happy to say that the book is stunning and filled with adventure I was so happy to read it. Thank you for making this book, it was truly amazing.
Thanks so much!

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