20 First Chapters Volume Six19,000 words written so far (about 61% complete)
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Posted on March 27, 2021

Emery Update
The Emery Fogg print edition looks terrific.

As far as work on the rest of the series, book two is done and will be looked over by beta readers in April. It's slotted for a June release, two months earlier than expected. Book three will be written the first two weeks of April and will likely debut in September rather than October. So excited to get more Emery Fogg out in the wild. Book one is available now.

19 Books in Print
While I have 30 books in electronic form, here is what I've released in print. All are 11.95, except Emery is 8.95 and the Graham Omnibus is $17.95.

I can ship out signed copies to any who e-mail me. I'm running a special that you can get 3 for $30 postage paid by me. If one of the three is the omnibus, it's $37.

These are all great reads.

Restocking Books at Page 158
I'm swinging by the local indy book store today to drop off copies of Ned Firebreak, Emery Fogg, and some restock of existing titles so that they will have all copies of my books on their shelves. The plan is to do a dragon and gargoyle drawing talk with them once in-store events resume.


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