Posted on August 23, 2019
Well, my wife is my muse. I just want to make that official. Recently, we've had the most wonderful conversations. Quite sparkling little numbers. When we start riffing back and forth, there are so many zingers and I find myself listening to the dialogue, dazzled by the quick wit, mostly from her. I actually think this has made me a better writer.
Point to you, muse. Actually, quite a few points to you, Michelle.
It was her quote that inspired the title and key idea of the last book I previewed: That's It, I'm Not Looking You Up In Heaven.
As we talked about the contents of that future novel, she spouted out another great quote: This Book Isn't For You.
It stuck with me. So much so, I stayed up until three in the morning last night writing several chapters. It's like nothing I've ever tried before and it's like no book on the shelves.
I mean, the darn thing is self-aware. When you open it up and dive in, you're a participant in one of the most odd, enlightening, frustrating, and amusing conversations ever. I can't stress enough the ever part.
While I have plenty of books on my schedule, this one lends itself to working on in bit and pieces. A thousand words a week shouldn't be difficult.
Anyway, here are the initial covers. I suspect they will go through some slight revisions and tweaks.