20 First Chapters Volume Six19,000 words written so far (about 61% complete)
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Posted on February 23, 2016

Keith Robinson and I finished our first drafts at the same time. We beta reader the other's book and now are about to release our books on the same day: March 15th.

The first book in my We Kill Humans series is a much stronger debut thanks to Keith's critique. It now features an epilogue that really sets up some dire possibilities for the second book. He rightly pointed out that the way I had it ending before wasn't as strong as it could be and offered up a key scene that makes huge sense to show in book one.

He was very instrumental in helping me fine tune battle sequences, adjust punctuation, streamline clunky description and was a very appreciated, honest sounding board. The book is so much better thanks to his dedicated involvement.

After reading his new book debuting alongside my own, I couldn't help but gush about it. Here's my review:

Unicorn Hunters Review

For those craving more adventures in the Island of Fog universe, Unicorn Hunters is an exciting debut. The first in the Island of Fog Legacies series, it casts a light on the next generation of shapeshifters.

The hero is Travis Franklin, son of Hal and Abigail. The series is told from his point of view and it offers a fresh perspective from his father's, which was the viewpoint for the original nine books.

Travis becomes a shapeshifter like his father, but his abilities turn out to be wildly different than what happened to his parents. I won't divulge the clever twist, but it's so brilliant and paves the way for a huge variety of stories.

Travis is an assertive boy who has no qualms about diving in when he sees an injustice. When he rushes to the aid of a unicorn, his story takes him to Old Earth where he comes up against the despicable practices of a rich collector, Mr. Braxton.

Readers are treated to scads of magical creatures that really liven up the already dynamic plot. Travis, aided rather poorly by a mysterious imp, must find a way to free the creatures captured by Mr. Braxton. Along the way, he makes numerous alliances with creatures whose trustworthiness is ever in question.

Robinson delivers tons of action, wonderful plot twists and a preponderance of character development (and I don't often dust off and bring out that word). I have a feeling this series will expose a whole new generation to the magic Robinson weaves in all his books, whether it be an Island of Fog novel or one from his other inventive series like Sleep Writer or Tales of Apparatum.

I know I'm eagerly looking forward to the next adventure of Travis Franklin.


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