20 First Chapters Volume Six0 words written so far (about 0% complete)
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Posted on April 16, 2018

Irving 3, the first draft of The Tomb of Tomes, is done!

It clocks in at 76,593 words. I wrote the last chapter this morning and love what's going on with the entire book. I think the last chapter is such a great turning point for Irving and beautifully sets everything up for an epic final volume. Because the last line is so telling, I opted to omit the planned epilogue. It's okay, the scene makes more sense to have happen in the early chapters of book 4.

I'm going to do one final brag with the creation of this book. I spend 16 days writing it. On average, I did 8 hours of writing with an hour later in the day where I reread and fixed obvious mistakes. Each morning, I would spend a half hour fixing the mistakes from the previous day. It was a wonderful to immerse myself in the book. I was basically able to write 25,000 words a week, which breaks down to 5,000 words a day.

What will happen next is that I return to teaching for the next 11 weeks. During that time, I will spend the first few weeks making changes to Bring On the Magic, the last book I finished and was read by Keith Robinson recently. I'll then spend a month rereading Irving 3 via the printed page version. The last few weeks will then be another read through via the Kindle, which helps really catch even more because it looks different than how it appears as a Word document. I believe that will take me to July where the book will go to Keith for a final look. I'll spend August making his changes and revisions and then publish the book on my birthday, September 6th.

The plan is to have books 1 and 2 finally available in print early this summer so new readers can dive in and be ready for the third book.

What's even more exciting is that I will be using the summer and fall to write the fourth and final book. That will likely see release at the end of the year, and I'll have a series that has been written to completion to promote.

I'm so excited to make 2018 the year of the Wishbutton.


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