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Posted on April 1, 2013

The following post is a bit rambling, but it does have a wholesome point and delightful message. Stick with me here.

It's hard to publish your work and then sit around and wait for others to find you. I've always taken the approach that getting as much of my work out there as possible was key to finding my audience. I don't know when my work will garner a larger audience. I know it's slowly building and that the more I hear from readers, the bigger my enthusiasm grows.

Slowly, I'm making inroads into marketing and promoting, but I also realize I'm never going to feel entirely comfortable in that arena. So, for now, until I reach the point where others are able and willing to tout and espouse the merits of my work, I'll have to be content with the numerous rewards inherent in writing as it stands right now. So what if my books haven't earned hundreds of reviews. Yet.

I don't have grand ambitions. I'm not looking for writing to replace my career as a teacher. I think becoming solely a writer would hamper my progress as a writer. Having my other career feeds my passion. I work with young writers every day, helping shape their voice and taking joy in the discovery that each of them contains a writer within. Both jobs accentuate each other.

I can write whatever strikes my fancy. Although, as a recent poster to this site reminded me through his enthusiasm for one of my series, I also have a responsibility to not just keep throwing new books out there and never finishing any series that merit continuation.

I have a ton of ideas, a ton of really good ideas. This year looks to be the year of sequels for me with four of the next five projects being the next book in a series. I am grateful that readers are asking for more and cherish each new reader that discovers my books.

Sometimes I feel too ambitious, that my reach may exceed my grasp one day. When I look at what I accomplished with my projects over just the past year and a half, I see that my passion and dedication can and does make what I reach oh so obtainable.

Thanks to all who brave opening up a new Clopper creation and discovering what I hide away in each: wonderment and heart.

Coming soon, another update of what is coming up for the next year and a half. Lots of stuff that will make many of you happy.

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2013...
Very nicely said! And when you hit it big-time, when even one of your novels suddenly goes viral, you'll have a fantastic body of work ready and waiting for those voracious readers. If a reader likes one of your novels enough, he or she will likely buy some or all of the others.

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