20 First Chapters Volume Six19,000 words written so far (about 61% complete)
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Posted on July 5, 2016

I have a terrible confession to make.

I haven't written anything for the past two months.

A combination of work and life stress are to blame for my lack of initiative in regards to writing. I was feeling too overwhelmed to put pen to paper. Heaped on top of that is the fact that my sales have been terrible of late. I really don't know how to change that aspect. I hate self-promotion and marketing as I always feel like a huckster when I do it. My books are good and worthy of having a large readership, but I don't like throwing my writing into everyone's faces.

I write because of the creative joy and not for any monetary gain and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm five years into this author thing and still loving the jolt the act of writing stirs in me. Yeah, having more readers and reviews would certainly be nice, but crafting imaginative narratives runs deep in me and I need to get my ideas out. Hopefully, my endurance, productivity, and creativity will eventually bring me a nice chunk of readers. Who knows?

Thankfully, the things stressing me out have receded, and I have three weeks of track out ahead of me to get back into writing. Today worked out well. I wrote 2000 words and have a good idea where the rest of Here is Where I ... is going. The chapter I wrote today was entitled: Here Is Where I . . . Find Our Ride-Along Rap Session Gets a Little Too Heavy and Evil Makes Mountains Out of Manholes. Really happy that it came together so quickly today. The degree of action in this story tops all my other books. It's certainly rules the roost when it comes to witty banter.

I'm estimating about 15,000 more words will finish this one off. I want to get it done over the next two weeks and then start something new that I can pen through the summer and into the fall. In October, I will begin work on the final book in my zombies series, Turncoats. The plan is to alternate a new book with a book in a series for the foreseeable future so I can keep trying new things while finishing up my open series like Irving Wishbutton, We Kill Humans, and Monsters in Boxers.

A big thank you to all who have tried my books. I'm still here, alive and kicking.

Hopefully, I can get a cover reveal up for Here is Where I ... in the next few weeks.


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