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Posted on November 19, 2018

This post is a wide-reaching one. If it were a Jeopardy category, it would be Potpourri.

Metafiction to the Max
As I head into the last quarter of the final book of the Irving Wishbutton saga I can't help but feel delighted at how the fourth volume is falling into place. It takes the notion of a story within a story and really blows it out of the water. The clever twist I have in store for readers is so exciting and oh so fitting. It serves as a deep commentary on destiny and free will along with acknowledging the innate strengths of the characters us writers craft. They can put up with a good deal of punishment if they're built to last. And Irving, he's got endurance and drive in spades.

New Characters In Every Book
Each book in the Irving Wishbutton series features new character alongside old favorites. I love the variety and scope of the cast. Irving and Raggleswamp really shine in the first book. Roon is my fave in the second book. Cocoon Boy, Sarya, and the new and improved Gared really were my favorites in the third book. With the fourth, I'd have to say it's Kanu of the Blue Hinterlands and Hector Thimble with Irving's dominance throughout really sending the series rocketing into a fitting finale.

If this series ever made it to the big screen, Irving would have to be played by a variety of actors. When you see what happens to him in the final book, you'll understand. It's a truly unique set of circumstances that make the narratives really shine.

Reader Input
I always like to engage readers in the nuts and bolts of writing. I'm curious what you think of this dilemma. Which is better?

"His eyes fluttered open, and he sent me a lazy glance before again losing consciousness."


"He fluttered his eyes open and then sent me a lazy glance before again losing consciousness."

I'm of two minds here. Is it okay to have the eyes be the subject and then switch to the character doing an action or is it more streamlined to have the character do both actions?

I'm leaning toward the first one, but I can be convinced otherwise. Thoughts?

Christmas Gift Ideas
As you set forth on the quest for a unique gift for friends and family, might I suggest some of my books that are available in print form? All are standalone tales that would activate the imaginations of both young and old.

Here Is Where I . . . Wield a Really Big Sword is a great look at a band of misfit teen heroes dealing with high school angst and wild magical mayhem.

Fractured and Unearthed tell a neat two-book epic that blends science fiction with fantasy. The unique back and forth of the chapters delivers complexity and inventiveness galore.

The Powers That Flee is an eighties power trip with teens and superpowers. For my friends who went to Middletown High, this takes place at that high school and all around Frederick. You might enjoy the little Easter eggs that would only be appreciated by a denizen of the Middletown Valley circa 1985. You'll never look at Otter Pops, Izod alligators, and Klondike bars the same again.

Ghost Coast is another eighties story of ghosts and the supernatural along the coast of Ocean City, Maryland. It's also a tale of loss and friendship that I feel is deeply affecting.

Bring On the Magic is my stab at Doctor Strange if he were a nervous twenty-something millennial saddled with a spellbook with attitude. It's also got an adorable puppy that accidentally gets transformed into a giant beast. Don't worry, no fluffy canines were harmed in the making of this tale.

Just click on the My Books tab below my website masthead to find the links to these print editions. Be bold and unleash my creativity on an unsuspecting friend or family member or both.


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