Posted on April 6, 2017
I've been working on the revised The Powers That Flee for the past nine days, and it's coming together so well. It's much more focused and character driven. The eighties references really serve the story, and the stakes are so much higher.
I am at 47,000 words and in the middle of a very intense time travel trip to the past. With each set of powers, I am trying to really be inventive. This version has gobs more powers, and the characters are really pushing me to come up with some great dire situations and equally intense ways to get out of harm's way.
Everything from this point on is all new. Of the first 47,000 words, my guess is about 12,000 of the original book survived with very little work.
It makes me happy to realize that I can say goodbye to so much of the old version. It tells me I'm willing to toss out things if they don't serve the story. That gives me faith that my writing ability has continued to evolve.
I can't wait to see what the final products turns out to be,