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Posted on November 5, 2012

10. Tell me your twelve-year-old self always dreamed of converting your garage into a hangout and dubbing it the Garage of Doom. Because if the answers yes, then Monsters in Boxers is for you.

9. Bizarre, beasts, strange weather phenomenon and time traveling underwear are all things one should want to witness in a novel. Read Monsters in Boxers and you can cross that Trifecta off your literary bucket list.

8. Sincere brother/sister relationships are my specialty. Amy and Jason are siblings that ring true. Yes, they have to face down murderous monstrosities and deliberate the very fate of the world, but they do it while still resonating as family that can care for each other one minute and then want to pull the hair out of the next.

7. Clever heroic powers! When you see what each member of the Crazy Quartet can do with their powers and how they relate to the characters' strengths and weaknesses, you'll be impressed. And when Reggie finally finds out what his not-so-obvious power is, you will squeal with delight at its simplicity and the ingenuity he employs in using it.

6. The monsters in the Chaos Storm are a randy bunch. Whether you crave fleeing from a pack of piranha-like Skele-Babies, or enduring an identity shakedown with bizarre energy beasts known as Flash Fiends, Monsters and Boxers has a whole ecology of extravagant beasts.

5. You like your malevolent weather disturbances to loom threateningly over small towns? Well, how about staying a spell and finding out what the Chaos Storm can do?

4. Acronyms Abound: We've got F.R.E.D., P.E.R.I.P.H.E.R.I. and M.I.B. Yeah, I know I won't be able to get away with that last one thanks to a certain Mr. Will Smith and his mega-blockbuster science-fiction film, but I can live with that.

3. Joptok will win you over. This winged Benedict Arnold will have you crying foul one minute and have you wanting a hug the next. Not that embracing a giant dragonfly thing is all that fun, but you know what I mean. Joptok has layers and it will be a treat to see where his story goes. That is, if his former boss doesn't throw him in a Blizzard Box for his treason.

2. Horde Lord is one of the greats! I cannot express how dastardly complex this villain is. You will leave wanting more of this dark menace.

1. They're Monsters in Boxers! They fight evil in magical underwear and in monstrous forms. Now the comparison could be made to Captain Underpants, but both books mine the elastic waistband genre in very different ways. Besides, won't it be fun to explain why you're reading a book with boxers featured so prominently on the cover?

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2012...
Regarding #4 about acronyms, you also mentioned F.R.I.N.G.E., which of course is now a hit TV show. You're just way ahead of the curve!
Comment by BRIAN CLOPPER on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2012...
Actually, P.E.R.I.P.H.E.R.I. Is the replacement organization for F.R.I.N.G.E.. Now if I could just figure out what the letters mean. I'm sure it will come to me.

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