20 First Chapters Volume Six19,000 words written so far (about 61% complete)
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Posted on January 20, 2016

Okay, so today was my last day to heavily write before I go back to the classroom for ten weeks to work once again with my fifth grade students.

I teach at a year-round school and get breaks every nine weeks or so. This winter break clocks in at almost five weeks and is one that allows me to get a lot of work done.

I wrote 36,000 words of We Kill Humans, 10,000 words of Here is Where I . . . and finalized Untimely Agent so it could be published January 1st. Yes, another productive break.

Going forward, I want to spend the next ten weeks getting We Kill Humans ready to be published in March and write another 10,000 words of Here is Where I . . . I'm also going to beta read Keith Robinson's new Island of Fog book for him. That will put me at my three-week spring break where I can finish Here is Where I . . . and start thinking about my next project, the third and final book of my zombie series, Turncoats.

Good times! Not only that, but sales are picking up this month. Nothing huge, but readers are buying my books with more frequency than the last few months of 2015. Here's hoping that my readership continues to grow.


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