Eric Can't Spell1,457 words written so far (about 3% complete)
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Posted on April 14, 2019

The God Wheel is done with my edits and is off to my beta readers this week. I should have it back from them with fixes by May and will target publishing in June. Look for the cover to debut sometime in May.

I'm excited about this standalone novel. Here's the Author's Note to whet your appetite:

Author's Note

I hope you found The God Wheel a wild ride. It's a book that was so much fun to write. If you enjoyed this novel, then you might like to try Bring On the Magic, The Powers That Flee, and Burnt Jesus next. They are quite similar in their execution, mixing wit and snark with cosmic doomsdays.

This story was originally titled The God Well and was completely different. In that early rendition, a troubled boy ventured down a well and found a world of deities. The project evolved greatly going forward. I wanted the lead to be a grown-up and then came up with the idea of the god wheel after watching an episode of Wheel of Fortune. Creating the pantheons for Felix and Lorna was challenging but so rewarding. Not all got the same face time, and I fretted over that initially but then decided I'd struck the right balance of screen time for the gods in the end.

If you liked this book, please spread the word. Leave a review and encourage a friend to snatch up a copy. As an indy writer, I truly appreciate any and all help in unleashing my creations on those who would really appreciate the nuance and imagination I bring to each project.

Something tells me this won't be the last book I write that examines the divine. I like the idea of penning a third novel that delves into the godly. Burnt Jesus looked at Christianity through an alternate-dimension perspective. The God Wheel considered the ramifications of having a personal pantheon at one's disposal. I suspect the next will examine the bad side of being divine. Perhaps a dark journey into the Underworld is in order one of these days.

I get the feeling I'm onto something. I'd better go get my idea journal and put to paper the infernal notions already creeping into my noggin as I type the end of this Author's Note.

Godspeed, everyone!


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